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2024 Club AGM

2024 Club AGM

Dave Alcock14 Feb - 09:33
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Details of the upcoming AGM

The club AGM ahead of season 2024 will be held at the club on Monday February 26th 2024, 7.30pm start.

Voting rights per the Club Constitution are as follows:

"Each Full, Student, Junior, Honorary and Life Member of the Club who has attained the age of 16 years old or over on 1st April of the playing season’s year before the A.G.M. shall have one vote at any A.G.M of the Club. No person who is not a Full, Student, Honorary and Life Member of the Club shall have a vote. Associate Members who are ex-Full Members (players) shall retain their voting rights at any A.G.M. Members of the Committee will be treated as Full Members of the Club for their period of service on the Committee"

It is your opportunity to look back at the past year on and off the field from all aspects of the club, and appoint officials, team managers and senior team captains for the coming season. Anyone wishing to stand for any positions then get your nominators and seconders lined up!

We do have a number of empty positions (i.e. incumbents not intending to stand again) currently for:

Club Chair
After a number of seasons as Club Chairman Brian Hall will be standing down at the AGM, and stepping down from the committee too. Brian has served on the committee in various roles over 58 of the last 60 years so will be sorely missed.

Assistant Secretary
After 5 years or so Dave Alcock is standing down as Assistant Secretary. Responsible for meeting agendas and minutes, and internal comms, this role is key with assisting both the Chair and Hon Sec.

Club Steward
Becci Fell is stepping back from this role. The Club Steward is responsible for, amongst many things - bar upkeep, bar rota, liaising with Club Treasurer on ordering and inventory.

Membership Secretary
A role again filled by Becci over the last few years. Responsible for ensuring all membership fees are up to date from all, ensuring details collected and collated as appropriate - covering all sections of the membership.

Press Officer
Liaise with local press for news articles, match reports and so on. Manage social media channels. Content supplied from various sources. The social media side will become front and centre of our media strategy moving forwards, so this will be a key role.

Those wishing to stand for any of these, or other, positions then get your nominators and seconders lined up!

If anyone has any agenda topics they wish to raise, or items of the constitution that require change/discussion, please inform Dave Alcock ( I can also provide a copy of the agenda pre-meeting if/as required. Again, this is your opportunity to propose change where you feel it is necessary/required/advantageous to move the club forward. Any proposed changes need to be on the agenda pre-meeting.

[Note that a copy of the constitution is on the club website and available for download]

Feel free to contact myself if any queries.

Dave Alcock

Further reading